Contact & legal information

Contact & legal information

Doctrina Med AG
Herrengasse 20
6430 Schwyz, Switzerland
team (at)
Handelsregister: Kanton Schwyz, CH-
Steuer: CHE-116.350.558 MWST


Legal information


This web­site is inten­ded to serve gen­eral infor­ma­tion pur­poses only. The infor­ma­tion pro­vided on this web­site is not inten­ded as an advice in any way and is com­posed and main­tained with con­tin­u­ous care and atten­tion by Doc­t­rina Med AG. How­ever, we can­not give any war­ranty to the accu­racy or com­plete­ness of the infor­ma­tion on this web­site. There­fore no rights can be deri­ved from the infor­ma­tion on this web­site. Doc­t­rina Med AG can­not accept any respon­si­bil­ity for any loss which may arise from reli­ance on any ele­ment of this infor­ma­tion, includ­ing that pro­vided by any web­sites lin­ked to this site.


All intel­lec­tual prop­erty rights, includ­ing but not lim­ited to, copy­rights, trade­mark rights and data­base rights rela­ted to the infor­ma­tion, text, images, logos, pho­tographs and illus­tra­tions on this web­site and regard­ing the lay-out and design the­reof are the prop­erty of Doc­t­rina Med AG and/or have been licen­sed to Doc­t­rina Med AG by the owner(s) of those rights. The infor­ma­tion on this web­site is only meant for per­sonal, non com­mer­cial use. The repro­duc­tion and pub­lish­ing (of parts of) the con­tent of this web­site for non per­sonal and/or com­mer­cial use, in what­ever form, or in what­ever way, is pro­hib­ited with­out the prior writ­ten con­sent of Doc­t­rina Med AG. Addi­tion­ally, Doc­t­rina Med AG is not respon­si­ble for the con­tent, avail­abil­ity, cor­rect­ness or accu­racy of the lin­ked sites or of the offer­ings, links or adver­tise­ments ther­ein. It is not lia­ble for ille­gal, incor­rect or incom­plete con­tent or in par­tic­u­lar for dam­ages aris­ing from the use or non-use of the infor­ma­tion pro­vided on lin­ked sites.


The use of hyper­links to (any page of) this web­site is only allo­wed with prior writ­ten con­sent of Doc­t­rina Med AG. We will not allow any hyper­link to (any page of) our web­site if the con­tent, image or rep­u­ta­tion of the host web­site is irrec­on­cil­able with the name, rep­u­ta­tion, ser­vices or prod­ucts of Doc­t­rina Med AG or the con­tent of this website.


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